Behind the Red Curtains: The Amsterdam Diaries

Insights into what happens behind those red curtains in Amsterdam’s red light districts. Yes, it’s districts, not district. The main red light district, the tourist trap, is De Wallen, filled night after night, and shoulder to shoulder, with tourists, both male and female, looking at the window girls and wondering. She: ‘I wonder what it’s like to be one of those girls’ He: ‘I wonder what it’s like to have sex with one of those girls’ Two other red light districts are De Singelgebied, a five minute walk from De Wallen, and De Pijp, which requires a tram ride to the Rijksmuseum and then a ten minute walk. For anyone interested in the relative merits of these districts, a click on the Best Girls page will offer a measured insight. The blog is littered with information and photos of the girls who work there.

Questions: How did Segretto (not his real name and he’s not Italian and he’s not an alpha male rippling with muscles and body artwork) get to take all of these photos within the windows, the girls parading as models (not to mention the super-sex experiences)? How did Segretto get the sort of response from Lia Mara (go to her page) and other female readers that he does? I puzzled over this. I think that the answer might be in The Amsterdam Diaries.

An Outsider’s View

The Amsterdam Diaries, “kinda reads like American Psycho if Bret Easton Ellis hadn’t given Patrick Bateman axes and had toned down the psychopathy.

Daniel Dylan Wray VICE Magazine

I like to think that Daniel was pointing up the similarities with a best selling author. He goes on to say: “I soon realized there was more to the site than the many others like it …..”

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