Introducing Lia Mara: The Amsterdam Diaries

2022: Sex in the cities, in my case Amsterdam’s red light district and London’s Soho, is back to normal after a couple of apocalyptic years, albeit against a backdrop of a major European war, a fuel crisis, unprecedented temperatures, inflation, international food shortages, cost of living crisis, rail strikes and airport chaos (and more – including a bump in hotel prices which in turn puts up the cost of a window visit). Then there is Lia Mara, prostituta Italiana.

I think it’s time to own up to a spin-off from The Diaries (The Amsterdam Diaries and The Soho Diaries). I get correspondence from a lot of very interesting men and women who have scanned the blog then read the books. Among the latter are girls (early twenties, usually) who want to engage on a level beyond conversational.

One of these pretty young things is Lia. She’s Italian and she contacted me about eighteen months ago. She’s a seriously interesting girl with a seriously interesting past (and future, the way that things are shaping up).

It turns out that Lia not only sells sex but is a diarist and a writer. A collaboration was inevitable. And that collaboration led to Nineteen, which is a mashup of diary entries relating to Amsterdam’s three red light districts, London’s Soho, and Lia’s escapades as an escort in Milan; all previously unpublished on Amazon.

Nineteen is available from the Amazon Kindle store in all domains.

Search terms: Nineteen Marcus Segretto

Contents: It’s the size of a novella. Amazon estimates it at around 130 standard pages. Like The Amsterdam Diaries and The Soho Diaries, it goes well beyond the basic Amsterdam experience of fifteen minutes engaging in a, “Suck and sex” experience, as the girls frame it if you ask what you get for your cash as they stand in the doorway. The sessions recorded here range from thirty minutes to an hour – and in the case of one written by Lia quite a lot longer. There’s one diary entry about two guys and one girl and another about one guy and two girls. There’s one session which involves erotic sex with a twenty-three year old who looks seventeen, and who likes dressing up and getting into character. Then there’s the recounting of Lia’s first sex for sale moment. Not to mention a workout involving nine girls in 48 hours. And more, as Lia and Segretto alternate experiences. It’s not a ‘how to guide’, it’s a ‘what happened’ record. Of course, there might be cues and clues for some people. Trigger Warning: what works for the authors may not work for everyone.

For more photos of Lia Mara, go to her page.

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